Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'domain_resale.mail_server' doesn't exist in /home/lily/common/data_access/company_da.php on line 152
Lily Domains

Thank you very much for your purchase!

You will receive an email with your Domain's Transfer Instructions very soon.

Your Transfer Instructions have been sent to your PAYPAL ACCOUNT EMAIL address

Please make sure to check your PAYPAL ACCOUNT EMAIL address you've used for the purchase,
because your Transfer Instructions have been sent there.

If you don't see your transfer instructions, please check your SPAM folder.
In case you still haven't received your transfer instructions, please contact our sales support at sales@lilydomains.com

Please bear in mind our work hours are Monday - Sunday 8AM - 8 PM Eastern Standard Time


The Lily Domains Team.